What's New

New updates and improvements to HAMRS

RELEASE 2.30.0

  • NEW: import ADIF file into existing Logbooks
  • NEW: added gray line to QSO map
  • FIXED: rig control truncating 0s from frequency
  • FIXED: winter and Regular Field Day Templates should ignore dates when checking for dupes

RELEASE 2.28.0

* NEW: Dark mode is here! Toggle it on/off via the settings panel

RELEASE 2.27.3


  • NEW: added Delete option for Custom Logbook Templates
  • NEW: new Logbook form remembers last template you used
  • FIXED: updated Sticky Fields options in Custom Templates

RELEASE 2.27.2


  • NEW: allow users to import and export Custom Logbooks
  • FIXED: disabled qso list item controls on custom template preview
  • FIXED: latest custom template not showing in dropdown
  • FIXED: Map line regression
  • FIXED: Time Input being cut off in toolbar

RELEASE 2.27.1


  • FIXED: fixed latest custom template not showing in dropdown

RELEASE 2.27.0

  • NEW: Custom Logbook Template Builder

Release 2.26.3

* FIXED: fixed initial clearing of County on log init

Release 2.26.2

* NEW: added Lookup function to individual QSO table controls - https://discord.com/channels/1283111238947180657/1326347073188007968 
* FIXED: always display band in toolbar if available - https://discord.com/channels/1283111238947180657/1326957068493787177 
* FIXED: fixed county disappearing in the toolbar - https://discord.com/channels/1283111238947180657/1326588688427257916 

RELEASE 2.26.1

  • FIXED: clear button clears everything but sticky fields
  • FIXED: clicking a toolbar item will focus the first input found
  • FIXED: entering a new 'My Park' will now clear your previous 'My County'

RELEASE 2.26.0


  • NEW: Implemented Toolbar static inputs
  • FIXED: Map QSOs if they have a grid, regardless of if we can draw a line or not

Release 2.25.2

  • fixed issue with Live Time not pausing

Release 2.25.1

* added ability to filter out spot locations using a ! (!JP for instance will hide Japanese spots)
* logbook Table now lists dates in user's locale preference 

Release 2.25.0

  • NEW: added ability to edit and enter logbook Date Created
  • FIXED: cache QSO table calculations to help with large logbooks
  • FIXED: issue with QRZ Upload window not closing properly
  • FIXED: race condition for logbook page header info
  • FIXED: QSOs marked as dupes when uploading to QRZ will be marked as uploaded in HAMRS

Release 2.24.0

  • NEW: added Winter Field Day Template
  • FIXED: monitor and report on sync subscription status

Release 2.23.1

  • decompressed the exponential backoff for update notifications
  • fixed issue with new Logbook Actions dropdown

Release 2.23.0

  • added better lookup and QRZ status indicators
  • consolidated Logbook Page actions into a dropdown
  • fix issue with unicode character conversion during ADIF Exports
  • fixed iPhone safe-padding areas
  • turn off sotaRef on generic QSO table

Release 2.22.1

  • Added a global 'back' button
  • Added better error reporting around adif exports 

HAMRS Pro? What's that?

I’m happy to announce the release of the brand-new version of HAMRS, named HAMRS Pro, now out of beta. Why “Pro”?

I wanted users still running the previous version of HAMRS to be able to continue doing so, so I needed a new product ID for various operating systems and app stores. HAMRS Plus? HAMRS 2? None of those really had the same ring. So, for all intents and purposes, naming the new version HAMRS Pro allows you to run both versions and migrate your data over to the new version. Hopefully, that’s not too confusing.

Download the latest version—it’s fast, has a bunch of new features, and auto-updates itself.

Please check out the Discord server if you have any questions, feature requests, etc. I’ll most likely be sunsetting the community forum in favor of Discord, as that seems to be where the ham world is headed.

Until then, have fun and get out there!

HAMRS Completely written from the ground up!

I'm happy to finally release a beta version of the brand new version of HAMRS. 

I've been working on this for a while, and I'm excited to be able to get back into the swing of things again. One of the biggest antagonists to working on HAMRS in the past was the build system and framework that allowed me to ship HAMRS on multiple platforms. It was always a fight to respond to user's needs in a timely manner. 

Rewriting HAMRS from the ground up allows a number of things:

  • Ship updates as fast as tests can pass and builds can be created
  • SYNC!
  • Better error handling/reporting
  • Update POTA Reference databases quicker for offline use
  • ADIF Imports
  • Custom/User Logbook Templates
  • Just generally be faster, and happier working on this little project that got away from me.

Right now, a beta version of the build is available by signing up on https://logger.hamrs.app - this web version is (for now) online-only and doesn't yet have offline capabilities. My goal over the next couple of weeks is to continue to push for parity of the current mobile/desktop apps. We're about 90% of the way there.

Sign up for free, kick the tires, and if you find anything wrong, head over to the community forum, or join the new Discord server to let me know. We've been having fun pushing out changes as soon as we get notified of them.